US senator pushes tech companies to label AI-generated content

U.S. Senator Michael Bennet has asked tech companies to mark AI-created content and observe any deceptive material generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

Senator Michael Bennet Asks Tech Companies to Label AI-Created Content

In a letter dated June 29th addressed to the executives of major AI-related tech companies, such as OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT), Microsoft, Meta, Twitter, and Alphabet, Bennett emphasized that users should be aware of when AI is being employed to generate content.

Bennet noted that counterfeit images can have damaging effects on the economy and faith, particularly when they are politically focused.

The senator further emphasized that even though some companies have started to label certain AI-generated content, the regulations are “frighteningly reliant on voluntary observance.”

In the letter, Bennet requested that the company’s executives respond to inquiries regarding specifications for recognizing AI-generated content, the application of such standards, and the consequences for any breaches of the rules by July 31st.

So far, the only company to respond has been Twitter, who reportedly replied with a poop emoji.

Microsoft and Nvidia have led a funding round of $1.3B for Inflection AI.

US and European Legislators Voice Apprehension About Unlabeled AI Content

The same apprehension that unlabeled AI content could result in misinformation has been voiced by European legislators too.

Vera Jourova, the European Commission’s Vice President for Values and Transparency, expressed to the media on June 5th that she believes companies utilizing generative AI tools with the capability to produce disinformation should be required to attach labels to the content generated in order to prevent the dissemination of false information.

On June 8, two bipartisan bills were proposed by U.S. lawmakers with the aim of providing transparency and promoting innovation in the field of artificial intelligence, despite the fact that the U.S. currently does not have any comprehensive AI legislation in place.

A bill proposed by Democratic Senator Gary Peters and Republican Senators Mike Braun and James Lankford would mandate the government to be open about its utilization of Artificial Intelligence.

Bennet and Senator Mark Warner (both Democrats) and Senator Todd Young (a Republican) have proposed the creation of an official Office of Global Competition Analysis.

In March 2023, Bennet spoke out about the volatility of the crypto industry following the failure of Signature Bank.

Magazine: AI Eye: AI travel bookings hilariously bad, three strange applications of ChatGPT, and cryptocurrency plugins.

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