USDT issuer Tether responds to Chinese securities exposure reports

USDT Tether Responds to Chinese Securities Reports

USDT Tether, the issuer of the world’s largest stablecoin, has responded to recent reports of its exposure to Chinese securities. The reports, which surfaced in early April, alleged that Tether had invested in Chinese securities, which could put the company in violation of U.S. regulations.

In a statement released on April 8th, Tether denied the allegations and stated that it had not invested in any Chinese securities. The statement further clarified that Tether’s reserves are held in a variety of currencies, including the U.S. dollar and other major currencies, as well as in cryptocurrencies.

The statement also noted that Tether’s reserves are held in a variety of jurisdictions, and that the company has implemented robust internal controls and procedures to ensure that its reserves are secure and compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

The statement concluded by noting that Tether is committed to transparency and is continuously working to ensure that its reserves are secure and compliant with applicable laws and regulations.

USDT Tether’s Response

Recently, reports have emerged that USDT Tether has been exposed to Chinese securities. In response, USDT Tether has released a statement that it is not a security.

The statement from USDT Tether was released in response to the reports that the company had been exposed to Chinese securities. The statement clarified that USDT Tether is not a security and that it is a stablecoin that is backed by a reserve of fiat currencies and other assets.

The statement also noted that USDT Tether is a fully-collateralized, fully-backed stablecoin that is designed to maintain a 1:1 parity with the US dollar. The statement further clarified that USDT Tether is not a security, and that it is not subject to any of the regulations that apply to securities.

USDT Tether also noted that it is committed to transparency and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The company stated that it is actively working with regulators and law enforcement to ensure that its operations are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

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