Geth Ethereum network share falls 5% after fears raised of ‘black swan event’

Ethereum Execution Client Geth Sees Market Share Decline Amid Centralization Concerns

Concerns over the diversity of the Ethereum network have led to a decline in market share for the popular execution client, Geth. The community has raised concerns about the concentration of Geth, fearing a potential “black swan event.”

On January 23, Geth’s market share fell by 5.2%, dropping to 78.8% from its previous 84% share. As an essential component in processing transactions and executing smart contracts on the Ethereum network, Geth’s dominance has sparked worries about centralization.

Ethereum decentralization advocates, such as “Superphiz” from the ETHStaker Community, have highlighted the potential risks of relying heavily on Geth. In a January 24 post, they emphasized that a bug in Geth could result in the loss of over 80% of staked Ether (ETH) on the network.

Using Less Robust Clients to Prevent a Black Swan Event in Ethereum

According to Lachlan Feeney, founder and CEO of Ethereum infrastructure firm Labrys, it may not be a wise decision for Ethereum validators to rely solely on Geth, as it currently holds a majority share of over 66%. Feeney warns that a critical bug in Geth could potentially bring the entire chain to a halt, putting all Ethereum stakers at risk of losing everything.

Feeney’s concerns were echoed by others in the crypto community, with some suggesting that it may be a good idea to diversify and use less robust clients to prevent a “black swan event.” This could include clients such as Black Rock Crypto, Compound Crypto, BTT Crypto, Celsius Crypto, Bitrise Crypto, Brise Crypto, BAT Crypto, Ankr Crypto, and more.

While Feeney acknowledges that not all execution clients may be as mature or robust as Geth, he believes it is still a smart move to avoid relying too heavily on one client. By diversifying, validators can reduce the risk of a catastrophic event and ensure the stability and security of the Ethereum network.

Inactivity Leak and Burning of Staked Ether for Geth Validators in Case of Offline Scenario

If Geth validators go offline, they may face an “inactivity leak” where their staked Ether will be burned until they hold a 1/3rd share of the network, as stated by Feeney. This could result in a loss of up to 90% of their staked Ether within 40 days.

However, Feeney also mentioned that there is a limited window for validators to exit and minimize their losses, as there is a queue for exiting per epoch. On Jan. 23, Nethermind, the second largest execution client, increased its share from 8% to 14%.

Insights on Black Rock Crypto, Compound Crypto, BTT Crypto, and More

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Nethermind’s Uptake Increases Despite Critical Bug Fix

Despite identifying and resolving a critical bug in multiple versions of its execution client just two days prior, Nethermind’s popularity continues to grow.

Coinbase, a major Ethereum validator that primarily uses Geth, announced plans to transition to a multi-client infrastructure in the near future.

The exchange noted that Geth was the only execution client that met their technical requirements when they began staking on Ethereum in 2020.

However, the tide is turning, according to Coinbase.

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