BTS: Revisiting the ‘buy $1 worth of Bitcoin’ video 10 years later

Davinci Jeremie’s Journey with Bitcoin

Davinci Jeremie, an advocate of cryptocurrency, had hoped that by speaking out about Bitcoin (BTC) and why people should invest at least $1 in it a decade ago, he would be seen as a hero in his community; however, his expectations were not met.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Jeremie recounted how he discovered Bitcoin (BTC), what his peers thought of it at the time, and what he believes would assist in bringing more people into Bitcoin.

Jeremie, a software developer, was told about Bitcoin by a member of his community more than 10 years ago. Initially, he thought it was a scam because the double spending issue was thought to be unsolvable. He stated:

After he educated himself on Bitcoin and realised it might be the answer to a major problem with the financial system, he created a viral video, encouraging his followers to buy at least $1 of BTC. However, the reaction he received was not what he anticipated; instead of being thankful for the knowledge he provided, they did not respond as he expected.

“Every so often, something appears that makes the less fortunate wealthy because they got it at an unbeatable price. This was one of those occasions. I believed I was going to be a savior to my neighborhood, yet no, they believed I was mad. They truly thought I was going insane,” he declared.

Increasing Institutional Interest in Cryptocurrency

SEBA Bank executive believes that increasing institutional interest is a positive indication for the cryptocurrency market.

Although many people missed out on the chance to purchase BTC at that cost, Jeremie believes it is not yet too late to invest in cryptocurrency. The influencer states that merely 2% of the population owns Bitcoin and Ether (ETH). Yet, the issue is that people wish to have the entire thing. He commented:

The developer proposed that a Satoshi-based Bitcoin wallet, which displays balances differently, might be the most advantageous option. The software developer believes that displaying to people that “for a single dollar you can get a few 100,000 Bitcoin Satoshis” could potentially draw more people in. “It’s not as attractive to have that many decimal places than a single Bitcoin,” he added.

Bitcoin is Heading Towards a Future of “Net Zero” Promises

Magazine: Bitcoin is heading towards a future of “Net Zero” promises.

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